
bold font indicates Abrahms Lab members


Rafiq, K., Beery, S., Palmer, M., Harchaoui, Z., and Abrahms, B. 2025. Generative AI as a tool to accelerate the field of ecology. Nat Ecol Evo, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02623-1

Ma, D., Halpern, B.S., Abrahms, B., Allgeier, J. , Molinos, J.G., Free, C.M., Frazier, M., Kaschner, K., Weeks, B.C.,  Carter, N.H.  2025. Strategic planning could reduce global mariculture impacts on marine biodiversity while expanding seafood production. Nature Ecology and Evolution (accepted, in press).

Garland E.C., Corkeron, P., Noad, M.J., Abrahms, B.,Allen J.A., Constantine, R., Rendell, L., Sousa-Lima R.S., Stafford, K.M., Carroll, E.L. 2025. Culture and conservation in baleen whales. Philosophical Transactions B (accepted, in press).


Nisi, A., Welch, H., Brodie, S., Leiphardt, C., Rhodes, R., Hazen, E., Redfern, J., Branch, T., Baretto, A., Calambokidis, J., Clavelle, T., Dares. L., Devos, A., Gero, S., Jackson, J., Kenney, R., Kroodsma, D., Leaper, R., McCauley, D., Moore, S., Ovsyanikova, E., Panigada, S., Robinson, C., White, T., Wilson, J., and Abrahms, B. Ship collision risk threatens whales across the world’s oceans. Science 386,870-875. [see related coverage in The Guardian, Mongabay, and Inside Climate News]

Ma D., Abrahms B., Allgeier, J. , Newbold, T., Weeks, B.C.,  and Carter, N.H. 2024. Global expansion of human-wildlife overlap in the 21st century. Science Advances 10 (34): eadp7706. [see related coverage in The Guardian]

Clark-Wolf, T.J., Boersma, D., Rebstock, G., and Abrahms, B. 2024. Increasing environmental variability inhibits evolutionary rescue in a long-lived vertebrate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (34): e2406314121. 

Yanco, S.W., Rutz, C., Abrahms, B., Cooper, N.W., Marra, P.P., Mueller, T., Weeks, B.C., Wikelski, M., and Oliver, R.Y. 2024. Tracking individual animals can reveal the drivers of species loss. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2024.09.008.

Johansson, E., Boersma, P.D., Jones, T., and Abrahms, B. 2024. Plasticity Syndromes in Wild Vertebrates: Patterns and Consequences of Individual Variation in Plasticity Across Multiple Behaviors. Ecology Letters, 27 (12): e14473

Rafiq, K., Jordan, N.R., McNutt, J.W., Neelo, J., Attias, N., Boersma , P.D., Palmer, M., Ruesink, J., and Abrahms, B. 2024. Removing institutional barriers to long-term fieldwork is critical for advancing ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2024.10.003.

Beltran, R.S., Kilpatrick, A.M., Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., Barrile, G.M., Oestreich, W.K., Smith, J.A., Czapanskiy, M.F., Favilla, A.B., Reisinger, R.R., Kendall-Bar, J.M., Payne, A.R., Savoca, M.S., Palance, D.G., Andrzejaczek, S., Shen, D.M., Adachi, T., Costa, D.P., Storm, N.A., Hale, C.M., Robinson, P.W. 2024. Maximizing biological insights from instruments attached to animals. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2024.09.009

West, L., Rafiq, K., Converse, S.J., Wilson, A.M., Jordan, N.R., Golabek, K.A., McNutt, J.W., and Abrahms, B. 2024. Droughts reshape apex predator space use and intraguild overlap. Journal of Animal Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14192

Clark-Wolf, T.J., Holt, K. , Johansson, E. , Nisi, A. , Rafiq, K., West, L. , Boersma, P.D. , Hazen, E. , Moore, S. , and Abrahms, B. 2024. The capacity of sentinel species to detect changes in environmental conditions and ecosystem structure. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(7): 1638-1648. 

Hazen, E.L., Savoca, M.S., Clark-Wolf, T.J., Czapansky, M., Rabinowitz, P.M., and Abrahms, B. 2024. Ecosystem Sentinels as Early Warning Indicators in the Anthropocene. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 49:573-598.

Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., and Merkle, J. 2024. Scale at the interface of spatial and social ecology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379: 20220523.

Oestreich, W.K., Benoit-Bird, K.J., Abrahms, B., Margolina, T., Joseph, J.E., Zhang, Y., Rueda, C.A., and Ryan, J.P. 2024. Evidence for seasonal resource-tracking migration by a top predator of the deep sea. Movement Ecology, 12: 65 (2024)

Gaynor, K.M., Abrahms, B., Manlove, K.R., Oestreich, W.K., Smith, J.A. 2024. Anthropogenic impacts at the interface of animal spatial and social behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379: 20220527. 

Dodson, S., Oestreich, W., Savoca, M., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S., John, R., Fietchter, J., and Abrahms, B. 2024. Long-distance communication enables collective migration in a dynamic seascape. Scientific Reports, 14: 14857 (2024).

Rafiq, K., Jordan, N.R., McNutt, J.W., Neelo, J., Attias, N., Boersma , P.D., Palmer, M., Ruesink, J., and Abrahms, B. 2024. The value of field research in academia. Science, 384:6698 (855-856).

Carroll, G., Abrahms, B., Cimino, M., and Brodie, S. 2024. Spatial match-mismatch between predators and prey under climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02454-0.

Gaynor, K.,M. McInturff, A.M., Abrahms, B., Smith, A., and Brashares, J. 2024. Hunting mode and habitat selection mediate the success of human hunters. Movement Ecology, 12: 29 (2024). 


Clark-Wolf, T.J., Boersma, P.D., Rebstock, G.A., and Abrahms, B. 2023. Climate presses and pulses mediate the decline of a migratory predator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (3): e2209821120. [finalist for the Cozzarelli Prize]

Abrahms, B., Carter, N., Clark-Wolf, T.J., Gaynor, K., Johansson, E., McInturff, A., Nisi, A., Rafiq, K., and West, L. 2023. Climate change as a global amplifier of human-wildlife conflict. Nature Climate Change, 13: 224-234.

Rafiq, K., Jordan, N., Golabek, K., McNutt, J.W., Wilson, A., and Abrahms, B. Increasing ambient temperatures trigger shifts in activity patterns and temporal partitioning in a large carnivore guild. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 290: 20231938.

Welch, H., Liu, O., Riekkola, L., Abrahms, B., Hazen, E., and Samhouri, J. Designing dynamic management strategies to reduce human-wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology, e14201.

Rafiq, K., Appleby, R., Davies, A., and Abrahms, B. 2023. SensorDrop: a system to remotely detach individual sensors from wildlife tracking collars. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (7): e10220. 

Woodroffe, R., Abrahms, B., English, H. Jumbam, K., Linden, J., Ngatia, D., Rabaiotti, D., and McNutt, J.W. 2023. African wild dogs are hot and hungry: Response to Creel et al. (2023). Biological Conservation, 284: 110198. 

Liu, O.R., Fisher, M., Feist, B.E., Abrahms, B., Richerson, K., and Samhouri, J.F. 2023. Mobility and flexibility enable resilience of human harvesters to environmental perturbation. Global Environmental Change, 78 (2023): 102629. 

Riekkola, L., Liu, O.R., Feist, B.E., Forney, K.A., Abrahms, B., Hazen, E., and Samhouri, J.F. 2023. Retrospective analysis of conservation measures to reduce the risk of large whale entanglements in a highly lucrative fishery. Biological Conservation, 278: 109880.


Abrahms, B., Rafiq, K., Jordan, N.R., and McNutt, J.W. 2022. Long-term, climate-driven phenological shift in a tropical large carnivore. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 119 (27): e2121667119. *Journal Cover Article* [see related coverage in Scientific American and New Scientist]

Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., Morrison, T.A., Verzuh, T., and Merkle, J.A. 2022. Defining Null Expectations for Animal Site Fidelity. Ecology Letters, DOI: 10.1111/ele.14148.

Merkle, J.*, Abrahms, B.*, Armstrong, J., Sawyer, H., Costa, D., and Chalfoun, A. 2022. Site fidelity as a maladaptive behavior in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(3): 187-194. *co-first authorship

Oestreich, W.K., Aiu, K.M.,  Crowder, L.B., McKenna, M.F.,  Berdahl, A.M. , and Abrahms, B. 2022. The influence of social cues on timing of animal migrations. : & Evolution, DOI:10.1038/s41559-022-01866-0.

Oestreich, W.K., Abrahms, B., McKenna, M.F.,  Goldbogen, J.A., Crowder, L.B., and Ryan, J.P. 2022. Acoustic signature reveals blue whales tune life history transitions to oceanographic conditions. Functional Ecology, 36(4): 882-895.

Rebstock, G., Abrahms, B., and Boersma, D. 2022. Site fidelity increases reproductive success by increasing foraging efficiency in a marine predator. Behavioral Ecology, 33(4): 868-875. 

Fahlbusch, J., Czapanskiy, M., Calambokidis, J., Cade, D.E., Abrahms, B., Hazen, E.L., Goldbogen, J.A. 2022. Blue whales increase feeding rates at fine-scale ocean features. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences , 289: 20221180.

McClintock, B., Abrahms, B., Chandler, R., Conn, P., Converse, S., Emmet, R., Gardner, B., Hostetter, N., and Johnson, D.  2022. An integrated path for spatial capture-recapture and animal movement modeling. Ecology, 103(10):e3473.

Emmet, R., Augustine, B., Abrahms, B., Rich, L., and Gardner, B. 2022. A spatial capture-recapture model for group-living species. Ecology, 103(10):e3576.


Abrahms, B. Human-wildlife conflict under climate change. 2021. Science, 373(6554): 484-485.  [see related coverage in Popular Science and The Independent]

Abrahms, B., Teitelbaum, C., Mueller, T.M., and Converse, S.J. 2021. Ontogenetic shifts from social to experiential learning drive avian migration timing. Nature Communications, 12:7326.

Abrahms, B., Aikens, E.O.,  Armstrong, J.B., Deacy, W.W., Kauffman, M.J., and Merkle, J.A. 2021. Emerging perspectives on resource tracking and animal movement ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36(4): 308-320. *Journal Cover Article*

Samhouri, J., Feist, B., Fisher, M., Liu, O., Woodman, S., Abrahms, B., Forney, K., Hazen, E., Lawson, D., Redfern, J., and Saez, L. 2021. Marine heatwave challenges solutions to human-wildlife conflict. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 288(1964): 20211607.

Esmaeili, S., Jesmer, B.R., Albeke, S.E.,  Aikens, E.O., Schoenecker, K.A., King, S.R.B., Abrahms, B., et al. 2021. Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: a cross-taxa test of the Forage Maturation Hypothesis. Ecology Letters, 24(10): 2178-2191.

Hausner, A., Samhouri, J., Hazen, E., Delgerjargal, D., and Abrahms, B. 2021. Dynamic strategies offer potential to reduce lethal ship collisions with large whales under changing climate conditions. Marine Policy, 130: 104565.

Brodie, S., Abrahms, B., Bograd, S., Carroll, G., Hazen, E., Muhling, B., Pozo Buil, M., Smith, J., Welch, H., and Jacox, M. 2021. Exploring timescales of predictability in species distributions. Ecography, 44 (6): 832-844 .

Hazen, E., Abrahms, B., Brodie, S., Carroll, G., Welch, H., and Bograd, S. 2021. Where did they not go? Considerations for generating pseudo-absences for telemetry-based habitat models. Movement Ecology, 9(5): 1-13.


Dodson, S., Abrahms, B., Hazen, E.L, Bograd, S.J., Feitcher, J. 2020. Disentangling the biotic and abiotic drivers of emergent migratory behavior using individual-based models. Ecological Modeling, 432: 109225. 

Blondin, H., Abrahms, B., Crowder, L., Hazen, E.L. 2020. Combining high temporal resolution whale distribution and vessel tracking data improves estimates of ship strike risk. Biological Conservation, 250: 108757.

Noonan, M., Fleming, C., Tucker, M., Kays, R., Harrison, A.-L., Crofoot, M., Abrahms, B., et al. 2020. Effects of body size on estimation of mammalian area requirements. Conservation Biology, 34(4): 1017-1028 .


Hazen, E.L., Abrahms, B., Brodie, S., Carrol, G., Jacox, M., Savoca, M., Scales, K., Bograd, S.J. 2019. Marine top predators as climate and ecosystem sentinels. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(10): 565-574.

Abrahms, B., Welch, H., Brodie, S., Jacox, M.G., Becker, E.,  Bograd, S.J.,Irvine, L.M., Palacios, D.M., Mate, B.R, and Hazen, E.L. 2019. Dynamic ensemble models to predict distributions and anthropogenic risk exposure for highly mobile species. Diversity and Distributions, 25(8): 1182-1193. *Editor's Choice* *Journal Cover Article* [see related coverage in LA Times and Tech Crunch]

Abrahms, B., Hazen, E.L., Aikens, E.O., Savoca, M., Goldbogen, J., Bograd, S.J., Jacox, M., Irvine, L.M., Palacios, D.M., and Mate, B.R. 2019. Memory and resource tracking drive blue whale migrations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(12): 5582-5587. [see related coverage in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and Tech Inquirer]


Abrahms, B., Scales, K.L., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S.J., Schick, R.S., Robinson, P.W., and Costa, D.P. 2018. Mesoscale activity facilitates energy gain in a top predator.  Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 285: 20181101. 

Abrahms, B., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S.J., Brashares, J.S., Robinson, P.W., Scales, K.L., D. Crocker and Costa, D.P. 2018. Climate mediates the success of migration strategies in a marine predator.  Ecology Letters, 21: 63-71. [see related coverage in Hakai Magazine]


Schmitz, O.S., Miller, J.R.B., Trainor, A.M., Abrahms, B. 2017. Toward a community ecology of landscapes: predicting emergent multiple predator-prey interactions across geographic space.  Ecology, 98(9): 2281-2292.

Abrahms, B., Seidel, D.P., Dougherty, E., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S.J., Wilson, A.M., McNutt, J.W., Costa, D.P., Blake, S., Brashares, J.S. and Getz, W.M. 2017. Suite of simple metrics reveals common movement syndromes across vertebrate taxa. Movement Ecology, 5(12): 1-11.

Abrahms, B., Sawyer, S.C., Jordan, N.R., McNutt, J.W., Wilson, A.M., and Brashares, J.S. 2017. Does wildlife resource selection accurately inform corridor conservation?  Journal of Applied Ecology*, 54(2): 412-422. *Journal Cover Article*

Fossette S., Abrahms, B., Hazen E.L., Bograd S.J., Newton K.M., Calambokidis J., Burrows J.A., Goldbogen J., Harvey J., Marinovic B., Tershy B., Croll D.A. 2017. Resource partitioning facilitates coexistence in sympatric cetaceans in the California Current.  Ecology and Evolution, 7(21): 9085-9097.

Abrahms, B., DiPietro, D., Graffis, A., and Hollander, A. 2017. Managing biodiversity under climate change: challenges, frameworks, and tools for adaptation.  Biodiversity and Conservation, 26(10): 2277-2293.

2016 and earlier

Abrahms, B., Jordan, N.R., Golabek, K.A., McNutt, J.W., Wilson, A.M., and Brashares, J.S. 2016. Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity-specific responses of African wild dogs to roads. Animal Conservation, 19(3): 247-255.

Brashares, J.B., Abrahms, B., Fiorella, K.J., Golden, C.D., Hojnowski, C.E., Marsh, R.A., McCauley, D.J., Nunez, T.A., Seto, K., and Withey, L. 2014. Wildlife decline and social conflict. Science, 345.6195: 376-378. [see related coverage in BBC, NPR, and Scientific American]

Withey, L., Seto, K., McCauley, D.J., Fiorella, K.J., Marsh, R.A., Abrahms, B., Nunez, T.A., Golden, C.D., Brashares, J.B. 2014. Fauna in Decline – Response. Science, 346.6211: 819-820.

Book Chapters

Rafiq, K., Pitcher, B.J., Cornelsen, K., Hansen, K.W., King, A.J., Appleby, R.G., Abrahms, B., and Jordan, N.R. 2021. Animal-borne technologies in wildlife research and conservation. pp 105-128 in Conservation Technology, eds. Wich, S.A. and Piel, A.K. Oxford University Press.

Hazen, E.L., Abrahms, B., Blondin, H., Scales, K., and Welch, H. Building the scientific and analytical framework for dynamic ocean management. in Navigating our way to solutions in marine conservation, ed. Crowder, L.B., Open Book Publishers, in press.

Submitted and In Review

Frazer, K.J., Welch, H.M., Jacox, M.G., ezama-Ochoa N., Abrahms, B., Buil, M.P., Benson, S.R., Palacios, D.M.; Smith, L.D., Bograd, S.jJ., Hazen, E.L.. Marine cold-spells in the California Current System: Modeling changes in frequency and impacts on endangered species habitat. PLOS Climate (submitted).

Agarwal, M.*, Rafiq, K.*, Mehta, R., Abrahms, B.,** Harchaoui, Z.**. Leveraging machine learning and accelerometry to classify animal behaviours with uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (in review). *co-first author; **co-senior author

Lezama-Ocho, N., Welch, H., Brown, J.A., Benson, S.R., Forney, K.A., Abrahms, B., Buil, M.P., Jacox, M.G., Muhling, B.A., Liu, O.R., Clay, T.A., Freedman, R., Lipski, D., Bograd, S., Hazen, E.L., Brodie, S.. Identifying climate refugia and bright spots for highly mobile species. Ocean Sustainability (in review).

Ickin, E., Conquet, E., Abrahms, B., Albon, S.D., Blumstein, D.T., Bond, M., Boersma, P.D., Clark-Wolf, T.J., et al.. Comparative Life-Cycle Analyses Reveal Interacting Climatic and Biotic Drivers of Population Responses to Climate Change. Nature Ecology & Evolution (submitted).

Fagan, W.F., Krishnan, A., Fleming, C., Sharkey, E., Chia, S., Swain, A., Abrahms, B., et al. Wild canids and felids differ in memory-related use of travel routes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (in revision).

Rafiq, K., Nisi, A., Jordan, N.R., Golabek, K. McNutt, J.W., Wilson, A., and Abrahms, B. Temperature mediates habitat selection and spatial partitioning within a large carnivore guild. Oecologia (in review).

Abrahms, B., Rafiq, K., Nisi, A., Jordan, N.R., Wilson, A., Loveridge, A., Kotze, R., Sousa, L.L., and McNutt, J.W. Intraguild competition mediates human avoidance in an endangered African large carnivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (in revision)

Header photo credit: Jason Bradley